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Friday, 20 May 2011

The Creepy Corridor

Today I spoke to Louise who cleans the cloakrooms in the Learning and Communications department. She started working at Penrhyn Castle a couple of months ago and I had not really spoken to her properly before. I asked her whether she has ever had any unusual experiences whilst doing her job at the castle. She cleans all the cloakrooms in the building. She told me that she has not seen anything yet but she has felt something strange. I asked her where she had felt it and it was on our corridor! She said that when she comes to clean at the weekends when the department is empty she often feels as though there is someone standing behind her, watching her. She told me that she often has to stop and turn around to see if anyone is actually there. I explained that I am collecting ghost stories about Penrhyn Castle for a book and she will let me know if anything else happens to her, or if she sees anything. I will keep you posted!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Running boy ghost seen again yesterday

When I arrived at Penrhyn Castle this morning I was greeted by Dafydd who works in the Railway Museum. He told me that yesterday he saw a young boy running away from him in the coach house area of the Railway Museum. He has not seen him for a long time. He has appeared to him about five times now. Dafydd told me that he was very real to him, "not like a puff of smoke". He saw him very clearly, in exactly the same way that he has seen him before. He wonders whether there is anything significant about the date when he appeared and will keep a note of it in his diary, in case it happens again the same time next year. I wish I could find out who he is and what happened to him in the coach house which would make him want to run away. Dafydd said that he is leaning forwards as he runs as though he is in a hurry to get away from someone or something. Very interesting.